59th Founder Memorial Lecture is scheduled on Friday, April 25, 2025 to be delivered by Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Former - DG CSIR


Current Openings

Invites Application for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) – 01 New

For the project entitled “Development of Green Process for Recovery of Copper from Waste PCBs Using E-Beam & Gamma Radiation” sanctioned by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, (BRNS), Mumbai.

Qualification: M.Sc. (Chemistry) /M.Sc. (Polymer Science)

Stipend: Rs.37,000/-PM+ (HRA as per Institute rules) + Medical

Project Duration: 1 Year

Please apply latest by 25th December 2024, by sending updated resume at  sanjeevk@shriraminstitute.org  / sanjays@shriraminstitute.org

SRI, Delhi Invites Application for Internships in Drug & Pharma New

Qualification: B.Pharma / M.Pharma/ B.S.c /M.Sc. (Chemistry)

Minimum Duration of Internship: 4 to 6 Months (Immediate requirement).
Please apply latest by 16th December 2024, by sending updated resume at hr@shriraminstitute.org / sanjeevk@shriraminstitute.org

Job Opening for Veterinary Pathologist (M.V.SC.)

Brief Job Description / Responsibilities:

  • Observation & Recording Of Clinical/Toxic Sign & Symptoms/Mortality During The Conduct Of Study.
  • Necropsy Of Sacrificed/Dead Animals During / End Of The Study With Documented Record.
  • Supervision of Clinical Analysis, Gross and Histo-Pathological Evaluations with Documented Record.
  • Checking The Lab Animal's Health Status And Providing Treatment/Cure, If Required.
  • As Per Requirement, Comfortable To Work as a Study Personnel/Pathologist.
  • Should Maintain The Health Precaution To Minimize The Risk And To Ensure The Integrity Of The Study.
  • Assisting the Study Director While Performing the Studies.
  • Recording Of Raw Data Promptly and Accurately in Compliance With GLP

Qualification: (M.V.Sc.) Pathologist   Experience: 0-7 yrs.     Location: Delhi


To undertake the research activities and take the vision to newer heights, the Institute is looking forward to recruit creative, innovative, and well recognized Senior Level Research Scientists/ Technologists having excellent interpersonal & leadership skills with demonstrated credentials in the field of Material Sciences, Environment Sciences, Bio-Sciences, Analytical Sciences, Polymers, Civil Engineering, Renewable Energy Sciences, Toxicology, etc. Career progression and growth are assured for high performing candidates.

Qualification: Ph.D. in respective field.

Experience: 12-20 years preferred. [Even superannuated scientists can be taken on contractual basis to provide leadership in above areas.]


To enhance the research activities and take the vision to newer heights, the Institute is looking forward to recruit high calibre, passionate, motivated, Young Research Scientists in the field of Material Sciences, Environment Sciences, Bio-Sciences, Analytical Sciences, Polymers, Civil Engineering, Renewable Energy Sciences, Toxicology, etc.

The Institute is keen to recruit candidates with proven track record from reputed Research Institutes/ Organisations having keen interest in Research & Innovation in the field of Science & Technology. Career progression and growth are assured for high performing candidates.   

Qualification: Ph.D. in respective field

Experience: 3-11 years. 


The Institute is looking forward to recruit professionals in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Machine Learning.

The Institute is keen to recruit candidates with proven track record from reputed Research Institutes/ Organisations having keen interest in Research & Innovation in the field of Science & Technology. Career progression and growth are assured for high performing candidates.   

Qualification:  B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech in Computer Science/ Electronics                        

Experience: 3-11 years. 


Emoluments: Salary will not be a constraint for the deserving candidate. Along with the same they will be entitled for other benefits, perks and Insurance coverage as per Institute policy.

Location: Delhi. 

Mode of Application: Application and Resume with photograph must be submitted at the earliest.

By email to sanjays@shriraminstitute.org , sanjeevk@shriraminstitute.org

Or by speed post/courier to: 

Assistant Director (Human Resources)

Shriram Institute for Industrial Research,

19, University Road, Delhi 110007 

Contact Telephones: 011- 35200465



SRI, Delhi invites applications for the position of Senior Engineer (Civil Lab.) having B.E. (Civil Engineering) qualification with experience of 10-15 Years in NABL accredited Laboratory of national repute in sampling and testing of Building & Highway material, review of the test report and its significance, Geotechnical Investigation, and analysis, quality audit of building and highway project including post-fire damage analysis and Structural audit.

Knowledge of Technical correspondence, NABL/ISO/OHSAS audit requirements, ILC and PT requirements, Internal audit of lab as per NABL/ISO/OHSAS requirements are also essentially required for the position.

CTC as per Industry Standard.

Please send CV at  sanjays@shriraminstitute.org  or  sanjeevk@shriraminstitute.org


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