59th Founder Memorial Lecture is scheduled on Friday, April 25, 2025 to be delivered by Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Former - DG CSIR



Coatings are used to provide protection, aesthetics and value addition to substance/substitutes. SRI has successfully developed coatings for different applications

Major R&D Projects
Some coating formulations developed by SRI are as follows :

Rodent repellent coating

Coatings based on natural materials were developed to impart rodent repellent property to jute bags used for storage of grains

UV curable coatings

Fast curing, solvent free UV radiation curable coatings were designed and developed for stone, wood and metal surfaces to replace conventional solvent based coatings for application on furniture, handicrafts, doors and panels

Surface Coating Formulations for Wood Laminates
Acrylate based high performance electron beam coating formulations for wood laminates/boards have been developed which offer superior combination of properties and versatility of performance.

Water repellent coating for glass
Highly effective water and dust repellent coating formulation for glass was developed using indigenous raw materials, which find application in window panels for high rise buildings and windshield of cars.

Road marking paint

SRI has successfully developed road-marking paint, used to draw lines on the road, which is long lasting, luminescent, weather and friction resistant

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