17 Oct Scanning Electron Microscope
It is a niche facility which is used for understanding the texture and microstructure of metals, metal alloys, ceramics (monolithic and Hybrid).
The localized estimation of composition at the micron scale adds strength to the phase analysis in metal and ceramic alloys. The major advantage is the precise identification of secondary precipitate, Sigma Phase, intermetallic and carbides etc. The depth of focus allows scanning of the fractured surfaces for identifying the types of fractures (ductile or brittle).
This instrument allows precise analysis of coatings, interface defect chemistry, interfacial inter-diffusion due mass transfer (Kirkendall effect) between the substrate and coating etc.
Detailed surface analysis of corroded parts allows precise determination of the causes that lead to corrosion and also helps in determining the corrosion type. Cross-sectional analysis allows estimation of depth of corrosion and also helps unravelling the chemical reactions along the depth in metals/metal alloys.
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