59th Founder Memorial Lecture is scheduled on Friday, April 25, 2025 to be delivered by Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Former - DG CSIR

Residual Studies


Quality of any product is considered to be attributed due to its bulk properties. However in today’s changing global scenario the quality of any is assessed on the basis of residual impurities present in it rather than the its bulk properties.

The lab is committed to do analysis as per various national as well as international protocols for not only various contaminants, adulterants, toxicants but also elements and nutrients present in trace amounts e.g. residues of pesticides, drugs, toxic metals, mycotoxins, environmental pollutants, vitamins, macro as well as micro-nutrients etc. in various matrices like water, Raw and processed food products of plant origin (fruits and vegetables, cereal grains, oil seeds etc.), Raw and processed food products of animal origin (dairy , egg, meat, fishery products etc.), Biological samples (Blood, serum etc.), Cosmetics and personal care products (Creams, lotion, powders etc.), Herbal medicines, soil, sludge, polymer, toys etc.


Activity Area:

  • Suitability study of packaging material as per EP/BP
  • ROHS parameters
  • Physico-chemical parameters of Refrigerants
  • Analysis of different matrices for Pentachlorophenol, Haloacetic
  • acids, Acrylamide, Trihalomethanes, phthalates, formaldehyde.
  • Acetaldehyde in polymer (PET)
  • Identification of unknown chemicals (Pesticide/Drugs/Organic chemical)
  • Phthalates in toys.
  • Bis Phenol-A in Feeding bottle.
  • Migration of certain elements for determination of Safety requirements of toys.
  • Pesticide, drug residues, heavy metals, Aflatoxins, banned dyes in food
  • Banned drug residues (Steroids) in Cosmetics and Food supplements.
  • Compositional as well as impurity analysis in fuel gases.
  • Profiling of crude oil for its composition.
  • Melamine in milk and dairy products.
  • Molecular weight determination by GPC.
  • Partition coefficients and Dissociation constant of API.
  • Formaldehyde in textiles / leather goods.
  • Residue Ethylene Oxide, Ethylene Glycol & Ethylene chlorohydrins in medical devices.
  • VOC in paints and coating materials.
  • Persistence study of pesticides in agri-produce, environment (water and soil).
  • Extractable, leachable (EN71) and total heavy metals content.


Quality Norms/Standards/Protocols followed:


The analysis is carried out as per National as well as International standards as mentioned below:

BIS / FSSAI / PFA / AOAC / AOCS / ASTM / IP / ARI / Pharmacopeia methods / FCC / USEPA / IS / APHA / PAM / OECD/Spice Board of India / DGHS manual / In-house validated methods/Party’s specifications.

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