59th Founder Memorial Lecture is scheduled on Friday, April 25, 2025 to be delivered by Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Former - DG CSIR


The discharge of industrial effluents into water bodies without treatment has lead to contamination of surface and ground water in various areas. Research work pertaining to this area is listed below :

Water quality monitoring
The water quality monitoring studies were taken up in Moradabad and Kanpur districts. Workshops were organized to create awareness regarding contamination of ground and surface water bodies with heavy metals and its remediation measures.

Water Quality Field test kits

A study was taken up to evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of water quality field test kits presently available. A manual was brought out on the findings of the work.

Chromium Kits

A kit method was developed for evaluation of Cr(VI) in water.

Status of domestic waste water treatment and disposal

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